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  • Info Club | CamperClub Schio

    Who we are The Alto Vicentino Camping Club's main purpose is to promote, in collaboration with the Administrations, the Mountain Communities and the Pro Loco, lo tourism development in the Alto Vicentino belt, encouraging itinerant tourism. We are convinced that for the future of living in the open air it is not enough to show who we are, but show how we are and what leisure culture we are capable of to propose. The plen-air is not an abstract entity, but a culture of life that everyone expresses in reality tourism, the maturation of which passes through the conscience and action of those who practice it, with a precise program that clearly identifies its qualifying points. We of the Alto Vicentino Club see a set of rules in itinerant tourism behavioral and we try to demonstrate it by asking, where possible, the realization of areas equipped for plen-air in landscaped interesting places, convinced not to not even visually pollute an environment that has not yet been man-made. In this way we hope to make a decisive contribution to making people known, appreciated and loved the history of our valleys and mountains, a precious and irreplaceable life lesson for us e for all those who seek peace, silence and culture in these places. We do not believe it is necessary to organize conferences or draw up large projects: drawing organizational born from the love of our land and from the understanding that the plen-air is tourism open to civil values, to the needs of the people, to respect for places. If all this is shared by you, we will be happy to welcome you among us.

  • TESSERAMENTO-fino a 10/02/2022 | CamperClub Schio

    Membership Share your passion with us! Sign up for the Alto Vicentino Camping Club! By becoming a member, you will receive the CCI card (Camping Card International) with which you can: 1 ° participate in all the initiatives of our Club: group trips-outings (with additional insurance coverage for all participants), consultancy for camper problems, discounts on purchases and services from affiliated businesses etc. 2 ° take advantage of the facilities of the Italian Confederation for campers (see in ) with also .......... follows in point 3 3 ° have access to the super discount provided by UnipolSai insurance for your camper with benefits also for the other vehicles you own. 4 ° leave the CCI card (Camping Card International ) at the reception in campsites instead of an identity document. 5 ° to have in camping stays, with the CCI card (Camping Card International ), liability insurance for you and your travel companions. For details see here. Membership is annual and expires on December 31st. - New registrations: ... ............................................. .............................. € 40.00 - Renewals: ... .............................................. ........................................... € 40.00 - Renewals with reduction only until March 31st ............................... € 35.00 Renewals are those who had already enrolled in the previous year. All others are to be understood as new entries. - Home delivery of the card with an additional cost of € 2.00 How to register: 1 - At the CamperClub headquarters in the Camper Parking Area of Schio (VI), via Cardatori every second Wednesday of the month from 8 pm to 9.30 pm. The Social Card, barring unforeseen circumstances, will be delivered immediately. 2 - Until March 30, 2022 also EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING FROM 8 PM TO 9.30 PM. 3 - By bank transfer and sending of documentation via email. Procedures for new registrations: When registering, bring to the CamperClub headquarters or send by email to the address : 1st on completed registration form to download here. 2nd copy of the valid identification document (Identity Card or Passport) 3 ° in the case of registration by email, copy of the receipt of the bank transfer made to CAMPING CLUB ALTO VICENTINO SCHIO IBAN: IT 25 V086 6960 7500 0000 0961 931 - BANCA ALTO VICENTINO indicating in the reason for payment "NEW REGISTRATION to the Camping Club Schio for the year 202X". Procedures for renewals : Upon renewal, bring to the CamperClub headquarters or send by email to the address : 1st only for renewal by email: the completed registration form to download here. 2 ° if a copy of the valid identification document (Identity Card or Passport) was changed in the previous year. 3 ° if it was changed in the previous year: new residential address. 4th only for renewal by email: copy of the receipt of the bank transfer made to CAMPING CLUB ALTO VICENTINO SCHIO IBAN: IT 25 V086 6960 7500 0000 0961 931 - BANCA ALTO VICENTINO indicating in the reason for payment “RENEWAL at the Alto Vicentino Camping Club for the year 202X”.

  • 2023 Marzo Pedavena e Belluno Album | CamperClub Schio

    Cena in Birreria Pedavena e visita di Belluno Una serata in compagnia nella mitica Birreria di Pedavena, la più grande d’Italia e una domenica spensierata per le vie di Belluno! Album Foto dell'evento Da ammirare sul Pc o sulla WebTv! Per vederle sul cellula re in posizione orizzontale a schermo intero impostalo in modalità Desktop (clicca sulle 3 palline in alto a destra e attiva "Sito Desktop") Poi clicca in alto a sinistra sull'icona con le 2 frecce. Per cambiare foto usa le frecce laterali. Clicca qui per vedere solo alcune foto selezionate di questo evento .

  • Notizie | CamperClub Schio

    Outings - Travel No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • 2023 Marzo Val di Sole Pejo Album | CamperClub Schio

    Uscita In Trentino - Val di Sole - Centro termale Pejo Un fine-settimana salutare, nel vero senso della parola, con le gioie di un trattamento termale che ci ha rimesso in forma in previsione delle imminenti fatiche camperistiche primaverili! Album Foto dell'evento Da ammirare sul Pc o sulla WebTv! Per vederle sul cellulare in posizione orizzontale a schermo intero impostalo in modalità Desktop (clicca sulle 3 palline in alto a destra e attiva "Sito Desktop") Poi clicca in alto a sinistra sull'icona con le 2 frecce. Per cambiare foto usa le frecce laterali. Clicca qui per vedere solo alcune foto selezionate di questo evento .

  • 2022 Aprile Tos.Info Guida Volterra | CamperClub Schio

    La visita inizia dall'Acropoli, il punto più alto della città, là dove in epoca etrusca e poi romana era situato il cuore sacro di Volterra. Da qui si raggiunge tra le vie più importanti della città: Piazza dei Priori , Piazza del Duomo dove ci sono il Battistero, la Cattedrale (visita interna) e l'antico ospedale. La visita prosegue per le vie medievali della città fino a raggiungere la Porta all'Arco risalente alla cerchia delle mura etrusche innalzate nel IV sec. a.C. Da qui si raggiunge panoramica via del Mandorlo dalla quale è possibile godere una magnifica veduta sull'intera area archeologica del Teatro e delle Terme Romane.

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